A very special love shaker blessing on our real estate agent Alice Boyle on closing day! One miracle after the next and Yay! We are new homeowners!
https://loveshaker.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/unnamed.jpg9741479loveyhttps://loveshaker.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/loveshakerheader.pnglovey2016-06-30 20:36:262021-09-20 17:48:04Magic Moment: Giving a very special love shaker blessing on our real estate agent Alice Boyle on closing day! Yay! We are home owners!
Love Shaking to Launch a Trip. Use Your Love Shaker to Set a Magical Mood before you head out on Your Summer Vacation. Lindsay is shown Filling Her Happy Heart with a lotta Love!
https://loveshaker.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/13390753_10206619436260143_811075222_n-1.jpg523720loveyhttps://loveshaker.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/loveshakerheader.pnglovey2016-06-05 18:34:562021-09-20 17:48:20Magic Moment: Love Shaking to Launch a Trip. Use Your Love Shaker to Set a Magical Mood before you head out on Your Summer Vacation. Lindsay is shown Filling Her Happy Heart with a lotta Love!